It’s Gearapalooza and we’re testing out a bunch of outdoor gear! Our review of the best camping gear and outdoor clothing of 2015. Continue Reading →
Spring Gear Review: The Versatile Women’s Stretch Ozonic Shell
Spring is here! For real this time…I think. That means bike rides, gloveless jogging, walking places, and long upward hikes. It also means cool winds, unpredictable temperatures, and rain. Instead of waiting for a blazing dry sun to hit the great outdoors, EDT has teamed up once again with LiveOutThere to test The Stretch Ozonic Jacket by inimitable Mountain HARDWEAR.
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Gearapalooza: MSR Revo Ascent Snowshoes for the Nature Loving Outdoorswoman in You!
We head to the snowy hills of Gatineau Park to test the Women’s Revo Ascent Snowshoes from MSR and Continue Reading →
Gearapalooza Mid-Winter Edition: Bogs Hiking Boots
It’s mid-winter (ish) and unseasonably warm temperatures have meant a longer (warmer) hiking and trail-walking season. And to celebrate we’ve been testing the hell out of some hiking boots from Bogs Footwear. Yes, Bogs. The makers of hiking and casual shoes you never knew about.
While our original long distance review was to be a race up Hai Ling Peak in Canmore Alberta, a “predators on the trail” situation sent us running to test up rocky Luskville Falls trail in Quebec, and the Kannanaskis and the Overlook Trails in Jasper, Alberta.
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Gearapalooza: The Best and Worst Camping Cookware of 2015
It’s Gearapalooza and we’re testing out a bunch of outdoor gear! Our round up of the best and worst camping cookware of 2015 that we tested. Continue Reading →
Gearapalooza: Best Sleeping Bags of 2015
We tested a bunch of camping gear for our Summer and Fall Gearapalooza series! Our review of the best sleeping bags of 2015. Continue Reading →
The Best Cycling Gear of 2015
It’s Gearapalooza and we’re testing out a bunch of outdoor gear! Our review of the best cycling gear of 2015. Continue Reading →
Gearapalooza: Best Lightweight Jackets of 2015
It’s Gearapalooza and we’re testing out a bunch of outdoor gear! Our review of the best lightweight jackets of 2015. Continue Reading →
Gearapalooza: Best Tents of 2015
It’s Gearapalooza and we’re testing out a bunch of outdoor gear! Our review of the best tents of 2015. Continue Reading →
The Best Winter Clothing of 2015
Eat Drink Travel and Green Moxie took our gear to Finland, Ireland, and Northern Ontario where it was subjected to everything from reindeer safaris to dog sledding to scary-ass cliff walks. We also took it winter camping in Northern Ontario, so you know it’s got you covered when you need it the most. Here is the best winter clothing of 2015 that we tested: Continue Reading →
Gearapalooza: Best Winter Parkas of 2015
It’s Gearapalooza and we’re testing out a bunch of outdoor gear! Our round up of the best winter parks of 2015 that we tested. Continue Reading →